Friday, February 16, 2024

Friday and Good Cleaning Day

I slept well last night and was up after 5:00AM. I dressed, made my bed and got myself ready for the day! I had a cup of Chai Latte and a breakfast bar and then I opened the front door to a new grey cat. I took it out some wet cat food and some dry cat food too. He ate almost all of it.

I also caught "the weather on the 8's" . Here it is:

Today is to be 43 degrees and mostly cloudy and windy, tomorrow is to be 43 degrees and  partly cloudy, Sunday is to be 58 degrees and sunny, Monday is to be 60 degrees and mostly sunny,Tuesday is to be 67 degrees and mostly sunny, Wednesday is to be 73 degrees and partly cloudy, and Thursday is to be 61 degrees and showers. One day of rain! Hooray!

I want to clean the apartment today. It's been over a week.

More Later...I want to get back to my last book and get it in the book drop box later this morning.

I got the apartment cleaned today and cleaned up the sweeper afterward and am charging it now,  It's 11:24AM and I want to go down to the Copan Restaurant for lunch. Sally and I went to the Dairy Queen in Independence yesterday and had their $7.00 lunch. It is always so good.

More Even Later: 

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