Friday, February 23, 2024

Friday and Reading

 I slept well last night and was up at 5:45AM. I made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day. I will read this morning and eat at Copan at noon. I also need to go by Dollar General and buy more wet cat food. Blondie came for breakfast this morning and ate nearly all the food in his dish.

I also caught "the weather on the 8's" and here it is.

Friday (today) is to be 69 degrees and sunny, Saturday is to be 68 degrees and  sunny, Sunday is to be 75 degrees and sunny, Monday is to be 79 degrees and partly cloudy, Tuesday is to be 80 degrees and mostly cloudy and windy. Wednesday is to be 50 degrees and partly cloudy, Thursday is to be 59 degrees and partly cloudy. That's the week! rain.

I read late last evening and still went to bed fairly early...7:30PM, I think it was. I still haven't finished my book though. Leslie and John came and she installed the color cartridges for my printer. She also put a new filter in my Kerig. It's handy having her nearby. She and John had been to Bartlesville to see the doctor. John has dealt with the infection in his foot for weeks now but the doctor is happy with the progress in it's healing.

More Later... 

It's nearly 10:00AM now and I will go over to Dollar General and buy some more wet cat food. I am nearly out. Blondie came to eat today. I am thinking of going to Copan Restaurant for lunch. It's only 10:00AM now so it's too early for lunch. But it still sounds good.

More Even Later.. 

I went over to Coffeyville to wash my car and also go to Walmart to get Chai Latte. Then when I got home, I went down to Copan for lunch. I got some mail warning about older women's health problems. I will take those to Karan. She has a heart health problem... A-Fib. She is going to have a surgery March 1st. I hope that works out well. 

Now I will get back to the book I have been reading...

More Even Later...


Galla Creek said...

I’d wondered about John’s foot. I’m happy to hear it’s better and healing!

Margie's Musings said...

It is doing well now. It has been a trial for him though.

Kay said...

Heart surgery is always scary for me. My nephew who is in his 40s just had a heart ablation. But he's doing well now. Thank goodness.