Sunday, September 5, 2021

Sunday and Church Online

I slept well last night and only woke up once. I dreamed of Jeromy, my grandson. I dreamed he had the key to my front door and came to check on me. I heard his voice say "Hello" and woke up. It was so real that I actually got up and turned on the light expecting to see him. It was 4:00AM. I even walked through the apartment but then I realized it was only a very vivid dream. It was weird. I seldom dream...if I do, I never remember the dreams when I wake up. Anyhow, I went back to sleep and slept for another hour and got up at my usual 5:00AM.

I dressed and made my bed and fixed my breakfast and am eating it now. I used the last of my milk and will have to go to the market later on this morning if I want to have breakfast in the morning.

It's almost 6:00AM now. I thought I heard the wind in the night. I imagine there are leaves all over my yard again. It won't do any good to rake them up again unless the wind has died down. It's a lost cause. But it is good exercise and I need any exercise I can get. We will see...

I guess I will go check "the weather on the 8's" and see what the forecast is. I don't know if we got any rain last night. If we didn't, I will have to water again this morning.

More later.... 

I went out back and raked leaves again and bagged them up. There were quite a few but I got them all.....for the time being. There are quite a few in the front but for now anyhow, I am leaving them.

Leslie called to invite me out for a cookout and homemade ice cream tomorrow to celebrate Labor Day at 2:00PM. I am to bring brownies. I went to the market and bought pecans to put in them. I need to check out my eggs. They are quite old. I'd better make sure they are still good. I will bake the brownies tomorrow morning.

It's10:49AM now and I will soon log on "Beyond the Walls" for their church service.

And that's what I did. As usual it was a fine church service. I don't miss the services at our building as much as I miss the fellowship. It is 12:18PM now and I guess I will go read.

The eggs were fine and so I went ahead and baked the brownies today. They took forever to bake, it seemed. Every time I tested them with a toothpick, they were still raw. I baked them a few minutes more and now they are pretty firm. We will eat them with the ice cream so I guess they are acceptable. 

I read until almost 5:00PM and finished my book. Now I will find something to eat.

I ate one of my chicken pot pies from Schwan's. It was good and something I had in my freezer.

I was not aware we were not having online evening church this week since I didn't zoom in last week and so when I zoomed in this week.The Mission Center President told me we were taking the holiday off.

So I watched 60MInutes instead. It was very interesting this week.

I think Keith's blog is down. I can't bring it up at least.

Now I have taken my bath and will read awhile. Then I plan to go to bed at 9:00PM., put my PJ's on and am ready for bed when the time comes.

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