Sunday, June 26, 2022

Sunday and Church

I slept poorly last night. I went to bed too early...8:00PM. I was very tired. I had trimmed the yard after Josh mowed it and it cooled off a bit but it was still very hot..So after 2:00AM, I kept waking up from time to time. Finally, shortly after 4:00AM, I just got up and made my bed and got myself dressed for the day. 

I notice I have lost some weight lately. I have eaten fine so I don't know why. I will fix my breakfast now and eat some oatmeal and have some coffee and later some Chai..

I have my breakfast ready now. I notice I need some more breakfast bars and a variety pack of oatmeal and also juice and water. This afternoon I will need to go to the market.  

I finally found the "weather on the 8's"..the forecast for the next week .

Today is to be 80 degrees and scattered thunderstorms, Monday 84 degrees and partly cloudy, Tuesday 87 degrees and partly cloudy, Wednesday 90 degrees and sunny,  Thursday 93 degrees and sunny, Friday 94 degrees and mostly sunny and Saturday 90 degrees and scattered thunderstorms. That's it for the week!

It rained some this morning but it's 9:13AM now and it's no longer raining. I don't know if there will be more rain but I guess  we'll find out some time this morning.I will go on over to the church and do any cleaning that might need to be done.

I will be back later this afternoon... 

We had a small congregation today again. Afterward Phyllis and I went up to Cherryvale to "Just Us" for lunch. Rick had to work and Carmen was over her virus and had gone on back to work too. Rick and Carmen are leaving Thursday for Alabama to see their kids and grandchildren. Carmen wants to stay a couple of months. Rick has to come back to work after a short visit.

So more even later....

It's 5:31PM now and I have been reading ad playing a game on the laptop computer.At 5:55PM,  I am to click on a link Leslie sent me to watch a person from the World Church make a presentation. I hope it works.

At 7:00PM, I will take my bath and get ready for bed and then read some more until 9:00PM or thereabouts. 

More even later...

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