Saturday, December 23, 2023

Saturday and More Reading

I slept pretty well last night but was up early at 4:30AM  I made my bed, dressed and got myself ready for the day. When I opened the front door, no cats were out there but as soon as I put out the cat food, the little grey cat came to eat. I didn't see Blondie yet. But I did get "the weather on the 8's".

Here is the next week's forecast. Saturday (today) is to be 64 degrees and AM fog and PM cloudy, Sunday is to be 60 degrees and rain, Monday is to be 43 degrees and cloudy, Tuesday is to be 44 degrees and mostly cloudy, Wednesday is to be 45 degrees and mostly cloudy, Thursday is to be 43 degrees and partly cloudy, and Friday is to be 41 degrees and partly cloudy. Sunday is the only day rain is forecast.

More Later... 

Later Blondie came to eat and I set some food out for him too.

I went to Independence and bought some food in little trays for Sunday night's gift opening. Leslie and Jeromy and Chi and I will be here. John  probably will not. He is having terrible problems with his feet.

I am going down to Copan and have lunch...some of their beef vegetable soup. Perhaps some pie too.

More Later....I finished that first book. I will take it back to the library book drop later.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

I’m feeling badly for John. Is he a diabetic?