Sunday, December 24, 2023

Sunday and Church

 I slept pretty well last night and was only up once to take my two meds. I made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day.

I made my coffee cake this morning and it is in the oven baking.

I opened the front door and and found Blondie waiting for his breakfast. It is raining this morning. I think it rained all night. He ate his breakfast and left to find shelter....probably under someone's house.

I also saw "the  weather on the 8's",  It's 60 degrees today and still raining, Monday it's to be 42 degrees and cloudy, Tuesday is to be 43 degrees and mostly cloudy, Wednesday is to be 41 degrees and mostly cloudy, Thursday is to be 43 degrees and partly cloudy, Friday is to be 44 degrees and partly cloudy and Saturday is to 45 degrees and partly cloudy. That's the week! Only one day of rain and that's today.  Lots of partly cloudy! But outside of today, most of the week is partly cloudy.

I see the little grey cat is out there eating now. I am drinking my Chai Latte and have eaten my breakfast bar. I will have some coffee cake at church.

I just texted Leslie to find out what time we are having breakfast at church. She says it's 10:00AM. It's 8:26AM now so I have awhile before I have to leave for church. It's Christmas Eve so I don't expect a lot of folks to be there. They probably all have a lot of company for Christmas.

Scott just called me and I visited with him for quite awhile. Then I had to let him go so I could ice my coffee cake.

The little grey cat came and ate his/her breakfast. That one is gone now too.

More Even Later. 

We had plenty of people for church. And it was a fine service. Mike Norris sang a Christmas song and he had a very fine voice. In fact, the entire service was great!

I didn't eat lunch because I knew I would have a light supper with Jeromy, Leslie and Cheyenne when we have our gift opening this evening.

I read until Jeromy and Leslie and Cheyenne came... around 4:00PM and then we ate some of Jeromy's smoked turkey and some of the salad stuff I had bought at Wal Mart yesterday. He gave me some more of the smoked meat and I gave him one of the unopened veggies, cheese and meat trays from Walmart. We were plenty full and everyone got something they were glad to have for Christmas.

They left after everyone ate and opened their gifts.and will be back to pick me up tomorrow morning so we will have Christmas dinner or breakfast at Ihop in Bartlesville. We did that last year too. 

It's 5:48 PM now and I will read until 7:00PM when I will take my bath.

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