Sunday, December 17, 2023

Sunday and Christmas Dinner at Church

I got up close to 5:00AM. I was awake off and on all night, For some reason  I just couldn't stay asleep. Finally I just got up and made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day. I checked the front door but no cats were out there that early. I did catch "the weather on the 8's" though.

Today is to be 59 degrees and partly cloudy. Tomorrow is to be 47 degrees and sunny, Tuesday is to be 52 degrees and partly cloudy, Wednesday is to be 60 degrees and mostly cloudy, Thursday is to be 61 degrees and PM showers, Friday is to be 61 degrees and Saturday is to be 62 degrees and showers. So two days of rain. That's wonderful! We need all we can get!

I fixed my Chai Latte and a breakfast bar for my breakfast. Soon I will go check on the cats again  It's 28 degrees this morning and clear.  

More Later... 

I went into Coffeyville to get some money for the week at my bank. Unfortunately the bank ATM machine was broken again and I had to go to the police station to use their ATM machine. That worked. Then I went out to the Woodshed at South Coffeyville and filled my car gas tank with gas.

We had a great service at church and a great meal afterward. I brought my cookies home... the ones I had taken out to Leslie's. She brought the ones that were left of mine to the church this morning... those that were left from her cookie exchange yesterday. I will make up a box for Stephen and Dee Anna, my landlords. They may share them with their grandchildren. The grandchildren attend Caney schools.

More Later... It's shortly after 7:00PM and I have just had my bath and put my pajamas on and just finished my second book. I will return both of them to the Caney Library tomorrow and get two more checked out.

I will watch 60 Minutes now and then go on to bed afterwards. 

The only cats I saw today was the little grey one and the white one. I saw neither of the yellow cats. I hope they are alright. It's 7:23PM and 45 degrees now and clear outside.

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