Sunday, December 10, 2023

Sunday and Breakfast at Church

Last night I went through the list of my classmates from my 1953 high school class and sent all who had e-mail an e-mail advising them to send me their news for our annual class newsletter. At 88, I don't know how many are still around. This may be my last class newsletter. Several of those e-mails came back as undeliverables but I did hear from several who answered me and I may hear from more of them today. I figure those that were undelivered have passed away. 

I was interested in seeing if any would answer me so I got up at 3:00AM and checked my e-mail.

Now I will go back to bed. It's only 3:39AM.

I later got up at 5:00AM. When I opened the front door both yellow cats were out there looking for their breakfast, So I fixed it and took it out to them. So far, those two are the only ones that have been out there. The other two or three will probably come later.

I have the coffeecake in the oven and  the timer is on so I will hear it buzz when the coffeecake is finished baking.

I did get "the weather on the 8's" and took a photo of it.

Today is to be 51 degrees and mostly sunny, Monday is to be 56 degrees and partly cloudy, Tuesday is to be 57 degrees and partly cloudy, Wednesday is to be 56 degrees and cloudy, Thursday is to be 57 degrees and mostly cloudy and Friday is to be 57 degrees and mostly cloudy. Saturday is to be 56 degrees and mostly sunny. That's the week. The one day of rain is no longer in the forecast.

More Later..

Both yellow cats are out there in front of the front door and now the little black and white cat is out there too. He/she is eating.The other two are just lying next to the front door trying to get warm. That isn't going to happen. They need to go find a house they can crawl under. I can't let them in my apartment. It's 26 degrees out there now

More Even Later... 

I left for church at 8:30AM and took the coffeecake with me. There were only a few of us there this morning. Leslie, Johnna and the Norris' and the two McIntoshes and Leeann and Chris and his dog were not there. But it was a very good service anyhow. Karan and John did a good job. There were 7 of us there. Afterward Ted and Karan joined Phyllis and me for lunch at Eggbert's. I asked John to join us but he was not feeling well because of a problem with one of his feet so he declined.

I divided up the leftover coffeecake and sent some home with Ted, Karan, and myself. I offered John some but he said he was trying to cut back on sweets.

It's 8:30PM now and I will read awhile and then go on to bed at 10:00PM.




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